2024 Phyllis Unger Case Series (PUCS) Meeting

The ILABB PUCS meeting is a gathering of Illinois-based transfusion professionals and trainees. Interesting case presentations and discussions are enjoyed over dinner. This is a great opportunity to share in interesting cases and to meet and network with other blood banking professionals. This year, attendance is FREE! However, registration is required: Please submit your registration here. ILABB will be accepting donations to defray the cost of hosting; if you would like to donate, follow this Paypal donation link.

Meeting date/time: Thursday, November 14th, 2024 | Doors open at 5:30pm CST | Program starts at 6:30pm CST | Intended adjournment by 8:30pm

Meeting location: Elmhurst Hospital | 155 E Brush Hill Rd, Elmhurst, IL.

To reach the conference room, enter via the East entrance and take the East elevators to the lower level. Once you exit the elevator, turn left and follow the hallway to the Oak Room. The event will start with a light dinner, of which there will be vegetarian and vegan offerings.

This meeting is dedicated to Phyllis Unger, honoring the many case studies she presented to students, residents, and medical professionals. A devoted blood banker, Phyllis spent much of her career teaching at Michael Reese, University of Illinois, and LifeSource. A talented and deducated blood banker, she was also a brilliant teacher, scientist, and friend. As the first Medical Technologist President of the ILABB, she broke ground in a role previously held only by physicians. She also published numerous papers and contributed to books like Blood Group System: MN and Gerbich. This meeting is a lasting tribute to her shared knowledge and her dedication to education and the betterment of patient care.

The program is listed below; click on each abstract title to view the abstract in full.

Hiranmayi Vemaganti, MD

University of Illinois - Chicago

Chelsey Geurkink, MS, MLS(ASCP), SBB

Rush University

Mai Mohamed, MD

University of Chicago

Christopher Bell, DO

Loyola University

6:30pm -

6:45pm -

7:00pm -

7:15pm -

7:30pm -

7:45pm -

8:00pm -

8:15pm -

Bhakti Patel, MLS(ASCP)CM, SBB


Constantine Kanakis, MD, MSc

Northwestern University

Heidi Christian, MD

University of Illinois - Chicago

Phillip DeChristopher, MD, PhD

Loyola University